The Stardust Hub
about this site

this is a website.
here, you'll see some of my stuff.
this is my website.

a lot of stylistic choices were influenced by my early days of HTMLDev and old websites in general, it had this very charming yet simplistic design that was limited mainly by bandwidth and browser feature set at the time. this was also inspired by em essex's site in 2018, which was my main inspiration for this style.

the backbone of the design was mostly from old code that i found lying about in my hard drive for a school project. after refactoring and touching up the jank, it becomes what you see now.

about me

hello, i'm persune. (pɜːsuːneɪ) i'm an aspiring video editor / chiptunist / musician / hardware-hobbyist / software-developer. more hobbies might come under my toolbelt as time passes by. in my free time, i usually work on my projects.

the name "persune" literally came to me in a dream. the words flashed in neon green, "who is Persune?". it was some kind of premonition i guess, because a week later, this video released and the imagery was exactly like the one in the dream.

i create chiptune, music, software programs and scripts, hardware PCBs, and nearly everything in between electronics, music and the Famicom/NES. for more info, please look into my portfolio.

currently looking to hone my skills and expand my knowledge.

illustration of dagga holding a famicom with headphones connected to it